ROLE in Bio-MeGaFuel

The Technical University of Darmstadt is investigating two processes High-Temperature Winkler® (HTW®) Gasification and Chemical Looping Gasification, in the flexible pilot plant. Various aspects of gasification, gas cleaning, and biomethanol synthesis are being studied in laboratory and pilot-scale setups.

In the pilot-scale experiments at the Technical University of Darmstadt the influence of different fluidizing media, long-term effects (such as the accumulation of ash in the bed material and potential effects on agglomeration or fouling) and the gas cleaning are being closely examined. Together with project partners, numerous aspects of the process chain are being investigated in multi-week test campaigns. The results are used to create simulations and compare the two processes, HTW® Gasification and Chemical Looping Gasification, in terms of their economic viability and sustainability.