At the end of the Bio-MeGaFuel project, we expect to have established highly efficient and flexible technologies for the production of biomethanol from low value residue, combining the advantages of chemical looping based gasification process with the high efficiency in methanol production given by the membrane reactor technology.
The new technologies presented in Bio-MeGaFuel especially based on CLG and membrane technologies will make it possible to advance in bioresource efficiency and increase the utilization of low value bioresources, together with advancements in new process integration aspects for the generation of biofuels. The utilization of biomass residues to produce syngas and methanol will make it possible to increase the capacity of biomethanol production without further dependency on electrolyzers, renewable electricity. Every process step proposed by Bio-MeGaFuel is based on novel techniques with proven potential for large-scale applications at competitive conditions and with the aim of pushing the TRL of those technologies to TRL 5. Bio-MeGaFuel supports the whole value chain of the production of biomethanol, with maximum process integration and intensification. Bio-MeGaFuel could pave the way for another step toward European leadership in novel clean technologies.
ER 1: clean syngas via CLG of low value biogenic residues and waste streams.
ER 2: methanol synthesis from syngas in new membrane reactors – spin-off expected
ER 3: market analysis and full value chain analysis of biomethanol production from biomass and its application in hard to decarbonize sectors.
ER 4: maximum conversion of biogenic carbon from biomass to produce biomethanol.
ER 5: novel process route for synthesis of biomethanol
ER 6: Exploitation and product applicability
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